Just Before We Create Your New EzClix Account...

How Would You Like To Instantly Triple Your Traffic?

Your new EzClix Membership will deliver quality traffic directly to any URL you nominate.

The thing is, many of our best traffic sources DON'T ALLOW Rotators, so you get one link to one page.

That same page must load each time your link is clicked.

So we have to check your URLs and enforce that, in order to protect our traffic accounts, so we can keep the visitors coming for all our Members.

But we do understand that some people might need to promote more than one URL so we've created a special one-time upgrade for you.

With our Pro Upgrade you can send traffic to three (3) URLs.

Plus we're throwing in three Banner slots and one Login Ad slot.

We did say Triple Your Traffic, but these extra ads could effectively increase your EzClix traffic 4-5 times over.

This one-time purchase will deliver at least 3-4 times extra value for you for as long as you remain a member. So if you have more than one offer to promote, please lock it in below before you move on...

Yes Please, Triple my Traffic!

I'm getting Three(3) Link Slots that will each receive a proportional share of the EzClix daily traffic.

I'll also have three(3) Banner slots to display my Ad Banners on EzClix and in dozens of other high traffic sites.

I'll also have a permanent Login Ad to promote my very best offers to other EzClix Members

I understand that these these bonuses are only available with a current EzClix subscription.

Don't need extra URLs? That's fine... we understand that most people will be happy to promote just one offer at a time, that's why we've made this an optional extra for those who actually need it.

If you're not sure, just remember that we're just getting started, so right now you can lock it in at a healthy discount, but only if you grab it now.

If you change your mind later, this upgrade is available in the Members Area, but you will pay full price.

So if you think you could use it, just get it now to be safe!

Do that now and I'll see you on the inside!

Brad Stephens

No Thanks. One link slot is all I really need and I'm happy
to pay full price if I decide to upgrade later on...